Race To Erase
Race To Erase



This is a fundraising event. Teams are asked to raise a minimum of $500. Donations are due June 18th, 2024. Race volunteers will be there to collect all cash and cheque donations between 5 and 7 pm. Teams are also encouraged to fundraise online.

When is the Race to Erase?

The Race to Erase will take place on May 31st, 2025.

What time does it start and how long is is?

A typical Race to Erase will see teams register at 8:30am.  We aim to have teams heading to their first stop around 9:00.  Most teams finish up between 12-2pm depending on length of the driving and stops.  

Is the Race to Erase a running race?

No! Teams travel throughout their community by car, competing in a series of fun-filled challenges along the way. The challenges are a combination of savvy and smarts - no goofy shorts required.

How many people are on a team and are there any restrictions on who can participate?

Teams consist of four members. Team members under the age of 18 must have a guardian sign their waiver. 

Do you need to know who will be on your team to register?

No, you don't have to know all of your team members to register. The team captain registers the team and then invites the other members of their team as they are confirmed. Once a team is registered, they can begin fundraising.

Can teams collect donations online?

Yes. After registering online, teams can point their sponsors to the Pledge a Participant page, choose the team they wish to sponsor, and make a donation by credit card. Receipts for online donations are emailed immediately (an active email address is required), and online donations, like donations by cash and cheque, will receive tax receipts following the Race to Erase event.

How do teams see who has donated to them online?

After registering, teams can log in to the Race to Erase website by clicking on the Log In button on either the top or bottom right-hand side of the website and entering their email and password. They can track all online donations made to their team.

Where is the money going and can I choose more than one organization?

Proceeds from this year's Race to Erase will benefit many local not-for-profit organizations. To learn more about them, please click here. When a team registers, they choose which organization they would like to receive their funds. Each team can only choose one organization to support.

Will people who sponsor me receive a tax receipt?

Yes, donations of $20 or more will be issued a donation receipt following the event as long as their complete address (including postal code and phone number) is provided.

How do you win the Race to Erase?

The winner of the Race to Erase is the team with the lowest combined time to complete the events. Prizes are also handed out to the top individual fundraisers and the top team fundraisers.

What happens if I am not comfortable completing one of the events?

No team is forced to complete an event if they do not want to. In the rare instance where this comes up, a team can choose to pass on competing in the event. A pre-set amount of time is applied to their time card and they are provided with the next clue.

Who do I contact if I am interested to volunteer in this year's race?

Visit our contact page and fill in the form, letting us know that you'd like to volunteer.